Adult Faith Formation

“The ‘Door of Faith’ is always open for us ….to enter through that door is to set out on a journey that lasts a lifetime” – Pope Benedict XVI

Growing in Faith

The maturation of the Christian life requires that it be cultivated in all its dimensions: knowledge of the faith, liturgical life, moral formation, prayer, belonging to community, missionary spirit. When catechesis omits one of these elements, the Christian faith does not attain full development.”

“…faith formation seeks to help each adult believer become “more willing and able to be a Christian disciple in the world.” As salt of the earth and light for the world (cf. Mt 5:13-16), adult disciples give witness to God’s love and caring will so that, in the power of the Spirit, they renew the face of the earth.”

Within our parish we hold seasonal reflection groups, Lent and Advent, and screening of formation videos, etc. For any current program check “Events and Parish Bulletins”


Digital Resources

For further information please contact the Parish Office on or +61 8 8566 2064