The faithful are obliged to assist with the material needs of the Church, each according to his own ability. – CCC 2043
There are many ways to contribute to the operations of the Northern Light Catholic Parish, the Clergy, to various Archdiocese Appeals throughout the year and to the Priests Retirement Foundation. The generous donations from parishioners and visitors are greatly appreciated, as this significantly assists in the running of our parish.
To Our Parish
To assist with the operational costs of all our properties within the parish- utilities, religious worship, insurance, office expenses, repairs and maintenance, co-responsibility payments to the Archdiocese for programs and for priest’s car:
- Through our envelope system. These are placed in the 2nd collection bowl at Mass. A pack of envelopes for the financial year can be obtained from the Parish Office. Please call 08 8566 2064
- Through the loose collection placed in the 2nd collection bowl at Mass.
- Through Direct Debit regularly from your bank account. This can be done weekly, monthly or quarterly, yearly as required. The amount is chosen by you and can be changed at any time. Forms to contribute to the 2nd collection via Direct Debit can be obtained from the office or from the priest. One off donations can be deposited directly into our Northern Light Catholic Parish Operating account, BSB: 085-005, Account Number: 187-180-389. Please reference as donation /your last name.
- By credit card either via your mobile via the Adelaide Archdiocese app or scan QR code at your Mass centre – select Giving /Get started/Give to Parish/select Northern Light Catholic Parish from drop down list/select how often/select amount/ and then select to donate to our parish or online via – select donate to parish and follow the prompts. This can be a one off or regular donation
To The Clergy
To assist with the living costs of our priests and retired priests. This is paid into a central account and distributed to all priests equally:
- Through the loose collection placed in the 1st collection bowl at Mass.
- Through Direct Debit regularly from your bank account. This can be done weekly, monthly or quarterly as required. The amount is chosen by you and can be changed at any time. Forms to contribute to the 1st collection via Direct Debit can be obtained from the office or from the priest. One off donations can be deposited directly into the Presbytery Account, Account Name- CCES Inc-Diocesan Presbytery Fund, reference 786 (this is so it can be tracked as a donation from our parish) BSB: 085-005, Account Number: 58-535-3994. Please reference as donation /your last name/786.
- By credit card either via your mobile via the Adelaide Archdiocese app or scan QR code at your Mass centre – select Giving /Get started/Give to Parish/select Northern Light Catholic Parish from drop down list/select how often/select amount/ and then select to donate to support of clergy or online via – select donate to parish and follow the prompts. This can be a one off or regular donation
To Archdiocese Appeals Throughout The Year
- Through the loose collection placed in the special collection bowl at Mass.
- As a one off donation by credit card online via – select Special Appeals and follow the prompts.
To the Priests Retirement Foundation
- As a one off donation by credit card online via – select Priest Retirement Foundation and follow the prompts.